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“Afterword” In Two Places on Earth: Works by Chan Chao. Kazen Art Center, American University Catalogue, 2022

Full Frame: Escaping the Northern Triangle CGTN, featured on May 29, 2021


“The Long, Bipartisan History of Dealing with Immigrants Harshly”, The Conversation, 7/9/2019


Migrants aux portes des États-Unis : pourquoi ils fuient leurs pays, Infochretienne, 4/16/2019


Guatemala: Mortal Doubt and Transnational Gangs, AULA Blog, 5/23/2019


Why they flee Newsweek, 4/9/2019


Republican Ads Feature MS-13, Hoping Fear Will Motivate Voters, The Conversation, 11/2/2018


“US-Guatemala: Are Donald Trump and Jimmy Morales Brothers in Arms? AULA Blog, 10/2/2018


“The American Dream Meets a Central American Nightmare.” The New York Times, 4/5/2017


“The Demise of a Prison Lord.” The New York Times, 8/16/2016


El impacto de las politicas de drogas en los carceles de Guatemala. (The impact of drug policy in Guatemalan prisons)  Open Society Foundations and the Social Science Research Council, in cooperation with the Guatemalan Presidential Drug Policy Commission. (June 2015) Lead author with Kevin L. O’Neill and Corina Giacomello.


“Beyond the Maras: Violence and Survival in Urban Central America” in Is There Hope for Central American Youth. Latin American Program. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Working Paper Series (December 2015)


“Matar y Controlar: La Evolucion de Extorsion.” In Sembrando Utopia: Crisis de Capitalismo y Refundacion de la Humanidad.  Ed. Marcelo Colussi. Argenpress. Buenos Aires.


“The Strong Hand Loses Its Grip.” Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies (Spring 2013). Berkeley; pp. 12-16




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